Publications from IDPC Members

Results 553 to 564 of 1013
19 June 2015
Transnational Institute 2014 Annual Report

Transnational Institute 2014 Annual Report

This interactive report has a dedicated section to TNI's long-term analysis and advocacy on the devastating costs of the drugs war that is supporting a domino effect in favour of regulation and harm reduction.
27 May 2015
Behind the front door: Mainline Annual Report 2014

Behind the front door: Mainline Annual Report 2014

This annual report provides snapshots of the variety of work that Mainline has conducted in 2014 from small scale outreach work aimed at gay men who use drugs, to a large scale study into people with a problematic GHB habit.
14 April 2015
Global prison trends 2015

Global prison trends 2015

Penal Reform international provides in-depth information on global trends in imprisonment and also seeks to place these trends in a wider context, and then to draw policy recommendations from the discussion of the data.