A number of human rights organisations, including the IDPC and Harm Reduction International, have released a joint statement calling on member states to abolish the death penalty for drug related offences at the upcoming UNGASS.
The Bridging the Gaps study in Ukraine defines circumstances and effective interventions that contribute to reaching young people who use drugs as well as improving their adherence to HIV prevention efforts.
The operational research in Kenya identified good practices and lessons learnt related to reaching under-served key populations with STI/HIV prevention, treatment, care and support.
This document describes good practices and lessons learnt from local partner organisations of Bridging the Gaps, regarding how they have engaged and reached out to underserved key populations.
Count the Costs demonstrates how the war on drugs, while declared in the name of protecting young people from the ‘drug threat’, has exposed them to far greater harm.
This paper by Health Poverty Action and IDPC sets out the ways in which current drug control efforts are already impacting upon the development sector’s efforts to achieve sustainable development.
This SSDP report showcases some of our accomplishments, media highlights, numbers, campaigns, chapters, events, financial information, partners, and more from June 2013-June 2014.
As prisões brasileiras são um desastre quanto aos direitos humanos. Os presos – mesmo aqueles que não foram condenados – são frequentemente mantidos em celas superlotadas, onde proliferam a violência e as doenças.
Human Rights Watch describes how overcrowding in the prisons of the north-eastern state of Pernambuco is among the worst in the country and is a part of a prison system responsible for numerous human rights abuses.
This resource by Harm Reduction International aims to help prepare harm reduction service providers to work with children and young people, who are found to globally experience barriers to accessing services.