IDPC Publications

A key role and added value of IDPC is the production of policy analysis for a broad range of audiences including academia, civil society and policy makers. The majority of these publications are collaborations with members and partners, and are translated into multiple languages to support and facilitate advocacy.

Results 229 to 240 of 471
1 September 2015
Asia: Advocating for humane and effective drug policies

Asia: Advocating for humane and effective drug policies

Gloria Lai, IDPC Senior Policy Officer, argues that civil society must advocate for, and help facilitate, a more open and rational dialogue with governments to encourage them to engage in an honest assessment of the current drug control approach in Asia.
17 August 2015
Media workshop on drug policy in West Africa

Media workshop on drug policy in West Africa

This workshop raised awareness and understanding of the nature of the drug problem in West Africa and called on the media to collaborate with civil society organisations to end the effects of bad drug policies on human rights and public health.
14 August 2015
The post-2015 drug strategy for ASEAN: Towards a new paradigm in drug policy?

The post-2015 drug strategy for ASEAN: Towards a new paradigm in drug policy?

This IDPC advocacy note offers analysis and recommendations to contribute to the development of a post- 2015 ASEAN drug strategy that can meet the expectations of the ASEAN Secretary-General in being innovative, prompt to adapt to changing and challenging circumstances, and global in its outlook.