Colombia, more than three decades of toxic spraying. Enough!


Colombia, more than three decades of toxic spraying. Enough!

17 September 2014

It is unfortunate that 35 years after the first chemical spraying in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, we are still writing about aerial sprayings in Colombia, demanding the current government – how many governments have not happened since! –to definitely defer an ecocide and incompetent policy. Throughout these years we have seen increasing national and international voices opposing the spraying of coca with the herbicide Roundup (glyphosate).

To the protests of the affected rural communities, soon began to join environmental and human rights NGOs, political groups, a neighboring country (Ecuador) affected by the spraying at the border, researchers associated with respectable academic institutions, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), and more recently even the United Nations.

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