Without governmental support, Mpondoland’s traditional cultivators face stiff competition to participate in the nascent legal cannabis market in South Africa.
UNODC provide an update on global drug markets, trends, and policy developments – including, for the first time, a chapter on the right to health and drug use.
Slovenian voters step towards reform, supporting the use of cannabis for medical purposes although a narrow yet win was secured for cannabis for limited personal use.
Thomson et al. examine coca, opium poppy and cannabis cultivation through the lens of agrarian political economy, drawing attention to key challenges for cultivators posed by synthetics and policy.
Rusenga et al. explore the inequity experienced by small-scale cannabis farmers engaged in the nascent medical cannabis market and the factors that contribute to its continued illicit cultivation in Zimbabwe.
Germany's cannabis reform signals a continental step in the right direction, but it is also a missed opportunity to centre racial justice and social equity
El modelo cooperativo de cultivo de cannabis de Barcelona está siendo atacado, a pesar de la evidencia de su éxito en reducir daños y fomentar el reforzamiento comunitario.
The UNODC Regional Office for Southeast Asia and the Pacific describes the diverging trends and drivers in the production of opium and heroin in Myanmar and Lao People's Democratic Republic (PDR).
Rhodes. et al. shine a light on the criminalised coca trade through the lens of ‘ecological harm reduction’, inviting reflection on practices of care for humans, other living things, and environments, in contexts of structural violence.
The WHO undertook to ensure that the review would not be delayed and Bolivia's Vice-resident stressed the importance of a comprehensive process, including due attention to traditional uses.