HIV and human rights in Southern and East Africa- 2014 Report


HIV and human rights in Southern and East Africa- 2014 Report

31 July 2014

The HIV & Human Rights in Southern and East Africa 2014 report examines the legal and regulatory framework for
responding to HIV and AIDS in countries in Southern and East Africa (SEA) in order to determine whether:

  • Laws, regulations and policies protect and promote the rights of all people, including key populations at higher riskof HIV1, in the context of HIV and AIDS, and
  • Populations are aware of their rights, are able to access justice and are able to enforce their rights in the context of HIV and AIDS.

The 2014 Report identifies and analyses both national and regional findings to identify significant developments in
creating enabling legal and regulatory frameworks for key and emerging human rights issues (such as the criminalisation
of HIV transmission, gender inequality, gender-based violence (GBV) and protection of the rights of key populations). In
addition, the report provides country snapshots for 18 countries, updating information on universal access and human rights.

This report is divided into this and 5 additional sections:

  • Section 2 provides the background and context for the report, including the most recent statistics on HIV incidence and prevalence.
  • Section 3 sets out the progress made removing laws that criminalise HIV-related conduct and developing protective legal frameworks in Southern and East African countries; it identifies the major gaps in the legal, regulatory and policy framework across the region in particular for key populations and women.
  • Section 4 looks at access to justice and the extent to which the legal framework currently in place is being enforced.
  • Section 5 contains country reports that provide country level information about all the countries under review.

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