The final count after closure of the January 31 deadline to file objections to the Bolivian amendment to remove the ban on coca leaf chewing in the 1961 UN Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, comes to 17 objections.
As part of a global drive to remove barriers to progress in the AIDS response, policymakers and community advocates have joined experts from the Global Commission on HIV and the Law in Bangkok on 17 February for the first in a series of regional dialogues held across the world.
'Count the Costs' is an OSF-funded global campaign that Transform will launch at CND this March, in collaboration with the Eurasian Harm Reduction Network. If you wish to support the campaign, please send any reports, images or videos that portray the costs of the war to Transform!
On 2 March 2011, more than 5,000 representatives from People Living With HIV in India and the Network of People Who Use Drugs, and 500 health activists from India and across the Asia Pacific region are holding a protest against the India-EU Free Trade Agreement (FTA), to express their concerns that the agreement may hamper access to cheap, life-saving, quality medicines for patients not just in India but many other developing countries around the world.
The EMCDDA is preparing a thematic paper to highlight key issues from the perspective of people who are attempting to reduce their drug, cigarette and alcohol consumption or overcome their dependence, and wishes to learn more about people working in the field and people trying to reduce or quit drug use.
On the 17th February 2011, an international coalition of harm reduction experts — comprised of the International Harm Reduction Association (IHRA), the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, and CACTUS Montréal — were granted intervener status to appear before the Supreme Court of Canada to support Insite, Vancouver’s supervised injection site, against the Canadian government’s attempts to shutter it. The outcome of this decision will carry serious implications for other jurisdictions across Canada.
From 21st to 25th March 2011, the Commission on Narcotic Drugs will gather in Vienna, Austria, to discuss the international drug situation and the implementation of the UN drug control conventions. This webpage is updated regularly to provide updates on the CND.
A coalition of health and human rights organisations have voiced their fears that the Thai government’s planned round up of people suspected of using drugs will trample on human rights and potentially rekindle widespread abuses of vulnerable people.
A Russian coalition and international partners representing affected communities, activists, practitioners and NGOs working on HIV/AIDS and harm reduction, has been urging the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to call the Russian government to implement harm reduction programmes to curb the concentrated HIV epidemic among drug users.
On 28 January 2011, President Barack Obama said that drug legalisation and regulation was "an entirely legitimate topic for debate" but that he was not in favor of legalisation. He then declared that drug abuse should be considered as a public health issue and that a shift of resources was required away from the traditional approach of incarcerating non violent drug offenders.
Through focusing on the promotion of individual and community health, this course will guide participants in developing a comprehensive understanding of current policies, programs and practices which address the harms which may result from the use and distribution of licit and illicit drugs.
In December 2010, the Court of Milan published the grounds of the sentence of 14 years' imprisonment that was imposed on Giampaolo Ganzer, General of the Carabinieri (body of the Italian Army), for drug trafficking. Despite the judgement, Granzer continues his activities as a general.