
Results 4297 to 4308 of 5158
13 November 2012

Disproportionate penalties for drug offenses in Mexico

Mexico’s drug war has left more than 60,000 dead during this administration, according to the Federal Government. Current drug laws do little to combat the violence that is in fact threatening common citizens.
12 November 2012

Job opening at WOLA: Foundation Relations Manager

The Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) seeks a Foundation Relations Manager to work in a three-person development team that is responsible for securing the organization’s $2 million and growing annual operating budget.
9 November 2012

Community Consultation: 2013 WHO Consolidated ARV Guidelines

Responding to the emergence of new scientific evidence, WHO is in the process of developing a revised and consolidated set of guidelines related to the use of ARVs for HIV treatment and prevention, prioritising people who are most at risk.