This pilot programme aims to promote early intervention in overdose management and to encourage people dependent on drugs to access treatment programmes.
Lawmakers in Puerto Rico are set to debate over two separate bills on cannabis policy, one which would decriminalise possession of small amounts of the drug and another which would authorise its use for medicinal purposes.
The United Nations should immediately freeze drug policy assistance to Vietnam after the country sentenced 30 people to death for drug-related offenses.
Le Nazioni unite dovrebbero congelare immediatamente l'assistenza anti-droga al Vietnam, dopo che il Paese ha condannato a morte 30 persone per accuse legate a stupefacenti.
The issues covered by the guidelines include the management of opioid overdose with opioid antagonists such as naloxone - a specific antidote to opioid effects.
Italy's Constitutional Court has overturned a law that tripled sentences for selling, cultivating and possessing cannabis, declaring it "illegitimate".
This petition urges the UK government to conduct a cost-benefit analysis and impact assessment of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 within the next 12 months.
Mexico City submitted bills to both the Local House and the Federal Congress of Mexico that, if passed, will decriminalise the possession of small quantities of cannabis for personal use.
This documentary describes the various cannabis law reforms that have taken place around the world, as well as the history of prohibition and the potential benefits of the plant.