In Eurasia, where the primary mode of HIV transmission is injection drug use, new HIV infections among young women are increasing steadily and faster than among young men.
Busted: You Have The Right NOT To Remain Silent is a documentary project that aims to contribute to the international debate about drug policies and drug law reform. They are launching a raising campaign via crowdfounding to support the film.
Methamphetamine remains "the top illicit drug threat" in East and South-East Asia, according to a new UNODC report, the 2012 Patterns and Trends of Amphetamine-Type Stimulants and Other Drugs, Asia and the Pacific.
The District of Columbia Mayor signed the Good Samaritan Overdose Prevention Amendment Act of 2012, which provides limited legal protection for those who witness or experience a drug overdose and summon medical assistance.
Human Right centres and drugs users in India demanded to the Government standards for evidence-based, voluntary treatment for drug dependence, monitor centres and more government facilities to manage drug addiction.
The successful candidate will help us to design and roll-out a comprehensive media engagement strategy, oversee the design and delivery of an international advocacy campaign, build media and communications capacity within the IDPC Secretariat, and advise IDPC on key media opportunities that arise.
A internação compulsória em massa tem sido apresentada como uma solução para os problemas decorrentes do consumo abusivo de crack. A opção por essa política não encontra amparo na literatura da saúde e é uma afronta aos direitos constitucionais. O Ministro da Saúde ainda não se posicionou claramente sobre isso.
The Research Institute for Arts and Humanities is offering two post available as Research Assistant to support the establishment, operation and development of the Global Drug Policy Observatory.
This Avaaz petition requests that the Brazilian Minister of Health clearly maintain his historic position against compulsory admission as a public policy.
Regional consensus on the need for prompt and concrete actions in addressing drug: "From the rhetoric of the paradigm shift to transit to concrete actions".