Research Assistant posts at the Global Drug Policy Observatory
The post-holders will be core to the establishment, operation and development of the Global Drug Policy Observatory; an exciting new research centre based within the Research Institute for Arts and Humanities (RIAH) and with links to the Research Institute of Applied Social Studies (RIASS). The Observatory will engage in a range of ‘impact’ oriented activities and aim to promote evidence based drug policy through the comprehensive and rigorous reporting, monitoring and analysis of policy developments at national and international levels.
Working with the Observatory Director as part of a small but high-functioning team, the post-holder’s principal activities will include: the planning, research for and the production of drug policy briefs; research assistance for in-depth policy reports; organization of seminars/policy dialogues; development and subsequent maintenance of a network of partner institutions; maintaining a dedicated website and ensuring Observatory presence on social media platforms; media liaison; identifying external funding opportunities and assisting the Director with the preparation of grant applications.
The successful candidate will have excellent written and verbal communication skills and proven expertise in undertaking drug policy research and analysis, including a publication record. He or she will also have excellent organisational skills, the ability to operate in a self-directed manner and a thorough knowledge of web-management and Microsoft Office packages. A relevant postgraduate qualification and familiarity with the current international drug policy environment are essential.
The deadline for applications is 15 January 2013. These posts are fixed term from 1 February 2013 until 31 January 2015. It is anticipated that interviews will be held 25th January 2013.
This link provides further information on the benefits of working in Swansea University.
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