Past Events

Results 817 to 828 of 1463
Global Addiction Conference Venice 2016

Global Addiction Conference Venice 2016

Venice, Italy
1 October 2016 - 3 October 2016
The Global Addiction Association is a knowledge-sharing facility for all those involved in the understanding and treatment of addiction.
Beyond Psychedelics

Beyond Psychedelics

Prague, Czech Republic
29 September 2016 - 1 October 2016
The First Global Psychedelic Forum in Czech Republic, "Beyond psychedelics" calls for abstracts.
10th Australasian Viral Hepatitis Conference

10th Australasian Viral Hepatitis Conference

Gold Coast, Australia
29 September 2016 - 1 October 2016
Join the leading multidisciplinary Viral Hepatitis conference in Australasia, from Thursday 29th of September to Saturday 1st October, Gold Coast Queensland, Australia.
Are British Police Wasted on Drugs?

Are British Police Wasted on Drugs?

London, United Kingdom
28 September 2016
Experts on drug control from the worlds of science, media, economics, policy and law enforcement will discuss what goes on behind the scenes of British drug control policy-making, and where the future may take us.
Harm reduction: an effective and humane drug policy approach to drug use

Harm reduction: an effective and humane drug policy approach to drug use

28 September 2016 - 14 September 2016
This seminar will offer a definition of the concept of harm reduction, its key components and underlying principles. It will also provide an overview of harm reduction coverage across the world, examples of best practice, as well as evidence of effectiveness. It will conclude with a series of recommendations on implementation.
5th International City Health Conference

5th International City Health Conference

London, UK
18 September 2016
City Health International will hold its annual event to engage organisations and individuals in a debate on health in urban environments in London in September 2016.
Addicted to drug journalism

Addicted to drug journalism

London, UK
13 September 2016
If you do have a search, you'll notice that barely an hour goes by without a news story about drugs. But like any industry - and like drugs themselves - quality is everything. What’s our fascination? How can we press dialogue into action? And let’s test the purity of drug journalism?
NDARC Annual Research Symposium 2016

NDARC Annual Research Symposium 2016

Sydney, Australia
11 September 2016
On 12 September, the 2016 Annual Research Symposium of the National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre will be held to discuss the current issues in substance use.