Past Events

Results 805 to 816 of 1463
II World Ayahuasca Conference - Brazil AYA2016

II World Ayahuasca Conference - Brazil AYA2016

Rio Branco, Brazil
16 October 2016 - 21 October 2016
This multidisciplinary event will bring together leading scientists, legal experts, practitioners, environmentalists and other experts interested in the issues related to ayahuasca.
Talking with clients about Hepatitis C treatment

Talking with clients about Hepatitis C treatment

10 October 2016
This 2 -hour webinar will describe the role of non-clinical health and human services providers in supporting clients living with chronic Hepatitis C as they consider starting hepatitis C treatment.
Fourth CND Intersessional Meeting

Fourth CND Intersessional Meeting

Vienna, Austria
9 October 2016 - 10 October 2016
The Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) will host a number of thematic discussions on the implementation of the outcome document of the United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on the world drug problem on 10-11 October and 27-28 October 2016 in Vienna, Austria
Sesta conferenza latino-americana e prima conferenza caraibica sulle politiche di droga

Sesta conferenza latino-americana e prima conferenza caraibica sulle politiche di droga

Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
4 October 2016 - 5 October 2016
La Conferenza tratta del tema della riforma delle politiche di droghe secondo la perspettiva delle regioni dove le misure innovatrici in questa direzione hanno iniziato a multiplicarsi nel corso degli ultimi anni. Per altre informazioni in inglese, vi preghiamo di leggere le informazioni successive.
Harm reduction approach overview

Harm reduction approach overview

4 October 2016
This two-hour webinar will provide participants with an introduction to basic philosophy and practices of HIV/STI/HCV harm reduction with regards to substance use and sexual risk behavior.
Scottish Needle Exchange Conference 2016

Scottish Needle Exchange Conference 2016

Perth, Scotland, United Kingdom
3 October 2016
The aim is to facilitate professional development, covering a range of topics and allow a forum for networking opportunities, information sharing and innovation to be shared amongst the substance misuse treatment providers and our partners.
Anti-Drug Campaigns: What Works and What Doesn’t Work

Anti-Drug Campaigns: What Works and What Doesn’t Work

Quezon City, Philippines
2 October 2016 - 27 September 2016
The forum will convene international and local experts to present different views and learning experiences of other countries. It aims to give a broader explanation of the country’s war against drugs and provide a possible alternative approach to the country’s situation.