Past Events

Results 637 to 648 of 1429
CND 61: Key issues and opportunities

CND 61: Key issues and opportunities

4 March 2018
The webinar series will shed light on the contentious issues that are likely to structure the debates, discuss tabled resolutions and opportunities for engagement, and showcase the experience of IDPC network members in navigating and leveraging this forum for political advocacy.
Students for Sensible Drug Policy Conference 2018

Students for Sensible Drug Policy Conference 2018

Baltimore, United States
1 March 2018 - 3 March 2018
SSDP2018 will be an amazing opportunity to grow your skills as an activist, meet new friends from around the world, and speak truth to power by lobbying your elected officials.
Human Rights Council 37th session

Human Rights Council 37th session

Geneva, Switzerland
1 March 2018
The Human Rights Council will meet for its 37th session in Palais des Nations, Room XX from 26 February 2018 to 23 March 2018.
Eastern Africa Harm Reduction Conference

Eastern Africa Harm Reduction Conference

Nairobi, Kenya
25 February 2018 - 28 February 2018
The conference seeks to create an interface between programming in harm reduction and policy reform, and to debate on how partners can support scale up of harm reduction services in the region.
Sacred Plants in the Americas

Sacred Plants in the Americas

Ajijic, Jalisco, México
22 February 2018 - 23 February 2018
An invitation for researchers and those interested in topics related to traditional, therapeutic use, history, politics and the legality of psychoactive plants, to submit abstracts with proposals
CND Intersessional meeting

CND Intersessional meeting

Vienna, Austria
20 February 2018
The First CND Intersessional meeting 2018 will be held on 21 February 2018 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. in Boardroom D, 4th floor, C-Building of the Vienna International Centre, Vienna, Austria.