Past Events

Results 445 to 456 of 1428
NNEF (National Needle Exchange Forum) 2019 Conference

NNEF (National Needle Exchange Forum) 2019 Conference

Birmingham, England
5 December 2019
NNEF welcome attendees who work within harm reduction focused services in the UK. They also welcome people working within partner agencies, people who use drugs and attend harm reduction services, activists and those involved in commisioning services.
Drugs: Final conference of the Solidify project

Drugs: Final conference of the Solidify project

Lisbon, Portugal
4 December 2019 - 5 December 2019
The Conference will cover the two years of work carried out on how to foster local multi-agency partnerships around Drug Consumption Rooms.
Accelerating progress on addressing the world drug problem - Common position of the UN agencies on drugs

Accelerating progress on addressing the world drug problem - Common position of the UN agencies on drugs

Geneva, Switzerland
3 December 2019
When: Wednesday, 4 December 2019 - 12:15 - 14:30 Where: Palais des Nations, Room XXVII In November 2018 the first ever UN common position on drugs was adopted with the aim to guide approaches across the United Nations system and step up efforts to ensure that no one is left behind. This event will showcase the work of the UN agencies in Geneva and Vienna on drugs, in particular since the adoption of the common position. WHO, OHCHR, UNODC, UNAIDS and UNDP will present how they work individually and collectively on this important topic that touches not just on health but also on human rights, and which requires an inter-sectoral approach to address it. This briefing follows up on an event organised by the EU Delegation in Vienna on 16 October and will foreshadow a third mission briefing in New York in the coming months. OPENING REMARKS: Ambassador Walter Stevens, Head of the EU Delegation to the UN in Geneva Ambassador Socorro Flores Liera, Permanent Representative of Mexico to the UN in Geneva SPEAKERS: Jean-Luc Lemahieu Director, Division for Policy Analysis and Public Affairs, UNODC Angela Me, Chief, Trend Analysis and Research Branch, UNODC Zaved Mahmood, Human Rights and Drug Policy Advisor, OHCHR Annette Verster, Department HIV, hepatitis and STIS, WHO


Brompton Cemetery, London, UK
1 December 2019 - 1 December 2019
The WAD london vigil will take place at Bromtom cemetery, with the themes of stigma, community and self-esteem, with a special guess singer.
Hep-C Community Summit

Hep-C Community Summit

Marseille, France
24 November 2019 - 25 November 2019
The objective of the event is to contribute to better Hepatitis C policy and practice by developing the transferability of an effective community-based intervention for people who inject drugs in different political contexts.
66th Regular Session of CICAD

66th Regular Session of CICAD

Miami, FL, United States
18 November 2019 - 20 November 2019
The sixty-sixth regular session of CICAD will be held in Miami, Florida, November 19-21, 2019.
3rd European Chemsex Forum

3rd European Chemsex Forum

Paris, France
13 November 2019 - 15 November 2019
This multi-disciplinary event will take place in Paris next November.
Paris Peace Forum 2019

Paris Peace Forum 2019

Paris, France
10 November 2019 - 12 November 2019
The Forum is held every year on 11-13 November in Paris with the aim to place global governance at the top of the international agenda.
APSAD Hobart 2019 conference

APSAD Hobart 2019 conference

Hobart, Australia
9 November 2019 - 12 November 2019
APSAD is hosting a conference to discuss issues surrounding changes in the alcohol and other drugs sector.