Past Events

Results 241 to 252 of 1465
Video advocacy for drug policy reform

Video advocacy for drug policy reform

7 October 2021
Recovering Justice and RRF share ideas on how video can be used as an effective advocacy and educational tool to advance drug policy reform.
Getting ready for the Global Drug Policy Index (GDPI) - South Africa, Uganda, India

Getting ready for the Global Drug Policy Index (GDPI) - South Africa, Uganda, India

23 September 2021
As we prepare for the global launch, IDPC and Youth RISE invite their members and other allies involved in drug policy advocacy to come and learn more about the Index. This online workshop will explain the GDPI project and methodology, prepare participants for the launch, and provide space for discussion and questions.
Cannabis regulation: Lessons from the illicit tobacco trade - Publication launch

Cannabis regulation: Lessons from the illicit tobacco trade - Publication launch

22 September 2021
In seeking to future-proof sustainable regulatory efforts, join us for the launch of ‘Cannabis regulation: Lessons from the illicit tobacco trade’, an illuminating briefing paper written by Benoit Gomis and produced as a collaboration between the International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC), the Global Drug Policy Observatory (GDPO), Health Poverty Action (HPA), Transform, the Transnational Institute (TNI) and the Washington Office on latin America (WOLA).