Insight into the links between policing in Britain and systemic racism, as well as a discussion on harm reduction alternatives to contemporary repressive policies.
This webinar will explore how civil society and communities can advocate for changes in public budget allocation to increase resources for harm reduction, including by redirecting funding away from ineffective drug law enforcement to programmes that prioritise health, community and justice.
The two-days workshop will be practical, interactive and builds upon the experience and the specific needs of up to 40 participants, which should come from EU member state, EEA, acceding, candidate or potential candidate country and be members of the Civil Society Forum on Drugs or related to one the members’ networks.
As we prepare for the global launch, MENAHRA and IDPC invite their members and other allies involved in drug policy advocacy in Ghana to come and learn more about the Global Drug Policy Index.
As we prepare for the global launch, WADPN and IDPC invite their members and other allies involved in drug policy advocacy in Ghana to come and learn more about the Global Drug Policy Index.
A webinar to shed light on the conflict between the drug control regime and Indigenous rights, and challenge prevailing narratives that these tensions are possible to reconcile while the UN retains the goal of a society free of drugs.
Building on the study of the UN WGAD and on HRI’s report, this webinar aims at highlighting experiences from countries in the region, discussing key issues, and identifying opportunities for positive change.
As we prepare for the global launch, IDPC, ENPUD and EHRA invite their members and other allies involved in drug policy advocacy to come and learn more about the Index.
The objective is to consider and approve CICAD’s resolution for the upcoming regular session of the OAS General Assembly together with CICAD’s Annual Report for the previous year.