Will Berlin soon have its first coffee shop?


Will Berlin soon have its first coffee shop?

17 September 2013

The German newspaper “Die Tageszeitung” (taz) states that illegal drug dealing, especially involving cannabis, has for a long time been a problem in Görlitzer Park. Additionally, ongoing violence between drug dealers, or between them and their clients, is another reason for weekly police raids and related arrests. Monika Herrmann – since the 1st of August the borough mayor of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, and a member of the Green Party (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) – claims that the drug dealing cannot currently be controlled and neither public health, nor the safety of young people, can be guaranteed, by means of an enforcement-led approach to the problem.

For this reason, it is hoped that regulated provision of cannabis in a coffee shop at Görlitzer Park - a proposal mooted by the previous borough mayor, Franz Schulz - will improve the situation. His successor is now trying to put the proposal into practice.

The application states that the project is designed to counteract "the negative consequences of prohibition and the consequential black market." It is recommended that local councils should at first initiate a round table discussion with residents and local groups, as well with drug and addiction experts, the police, and politicians with special expertise in relevant subjects.

Click here to read the full article.

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