
Results 3553 to 3564 of 3838
15 July 2009

IDPC Briefing paper: ECOSOC side event‘From Vienna to Geneva to New York – Reconciling UN Mandates with Regard to the Response to Illicit Drugs’ Geneva, 7th July 2009

This briefing provides an overview of the IDPC side event held in the margins of the annual ECOSOC meeting in Geneva on 7th July 2009. Michel Sidibe, Executive Director of UNAIDS and Michel Kazatchkine, Executive Director of the Global Fund both spoke out strongly in favour of system-wide coherence on drug policy at the UN level.
15 July 2009

Release submission to Home Affairs Select Committee on the cocaine trade

In their submission, Release, argues that celebrity culture of using drugs does not affect the use of drugs by young people as implied by UNODC. They also advise that looking at absolute numbers of users is not an adequate way to address the harms caused and also that a increase in price and fall in purity of cocaine in the UK cannot be considered an indicator of successful policy.
5 July 2009

IDPC Briefing Note - The 10-year review of the United Nations Drug Control System: Difficult questions remain for member states and UN system wide coherence

IDPC produced this briefing note for the ECOSOC high level meeting in July 2009. The political declaration of the CND, adopted by consensus, masks deep divisions between member states and contains elements that bring UN drug control policy into conflict with the work of UNAIDS, the development agencies, and the human rights apparatus.