This submission describes several key human rights priorities and provides recommendations forthe Kyrgyz Republic to better respect, protect and fulfill human rights, consistent with its international legal obligations, in areas of particular relevance to effective response to HIV.
Journey to the heart of coca country where United States tax dollars have financed the aerial fumigation of 2.6 million acres of land in Colombia – the world's second most biodiverse country. See cropdusters target coca plants, the main ingredient of cocaine, with concentrated herbicide as part of the U.S. war on drugs. Listen to people on the ground, hear about the impacts, and learn new ideas about how to solve this deadly problem. Watch this short film from Witness for Peace.
The Indonesia UNGASS Forum has translated the new narcotics law that was adopted by the Parliament in Jakarta in September 2009. Advocates have highlighted that the new law violates basic human rights and constrains harm reduction efforts in the region.
The European Monitoring Centre of Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCCDA) has published its annual report for 2009 on the state of the drugs problem in Europe
Michel Sidibe responded to harm reduction activists who expressed concern over some of his remarks at the the opening plenary of the Eastern European and Central Asian AIDS Conference in this letter.
UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibe gave this speech at the Eastern European and Central Asian AIDS Conference, which took place in late October in Moscow. Harm reduction activists have written to him to express concern over some of his remarks.
Representatives of harm reduction, human rights and drug user groups sent a letter to UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibe expressing their strong concern about his speech at the opening plenary of the Eastern European and Central Asian AIDS Conference, which took place in late October in Moscow.
Данный документ обобщает результаты проведенных на местах оценочных исследований доступа женщин к услугам снижения вреда, антиретровирусному лечению и охране репро- дуктивного здоровья в пяти странах: Азербайджане, Грузии, Кыргызстане, России (Санкт-Петербург и еще 7 регионов) и Украине.
Harm reduction organizations in these regions are confronting an influx of poor quality supplies that threatens the success of their programs. Improving the quality of supplies is an important step toward an effective and sustainable HIV response. This report, by the Open Society Institute’s Public Health Program, evaluates Global Fund grants and procurement practices in Armenia, Georgia, Russia, and Tajikistan.
This report, by the Open Society Institute’s International Harm Reduction Development Program, summarizes the results of field assessments of women’s access to harm reduction, antiretroviral, and reproductive health services in five ex-Soviet countries.
This report, from the Open Society Institute’s International Harm Reduction Development Program, presents the findings of three groundbreaking studies conducted in Russia, Georgia, and Ukraine that investigate the impact that drug user registration laws have on the lives of drug users and the quality of public health policy.