This article presents alternatives to traditional targeted enforcement approaches that may have less negative health and social consequences was originally published in 2005 in the International Journal of Drug Policy. It is now available in English, Chinese, Farsi, French, and Russian.
The Global Commission on HIV and the Law was established in 2010 to develop actionable, evidence-informed and human rights-based recommendations to enable effective HIV responses and realize the human rights of people living and most vulnerable to HIV.
This report reveals that the Watergate-like scandal in Colombia is even more shocking than initially reported, with the presidential intelligence agency, DAS, not only spying, but also carrying out dirty tricks and even death threats on major players in Colombia's democracy
The one percent increase in coca cultivation reported by UNODC for 2009 contrasts sharply with the 2010 U.S. International Narcotics Control Strategy report, which cited a 9.38 percent increase from 32,000 to 35,000 hectares for 2009, which they inexplicably rounded up to ten percent.
The authors undertook qualitative interviews with 209 injecting drug users in three Russian cities to explore IDU's accounts of HIV and health risk. Policing practices, and how these violate health and human rights, emerged as a primary theme.
This book gathers the presentations given during the V and VI National Conferences on Drug Policy in Buenos Aires and aims to identify policies that protect public health and human rights. Published by Intercambios Civil Association and the School of Social Sciences of Buenos Aires University.
In an effort to make drug policy publications accessible to a wider audience, the Open Society Institute's Global Drug Policy Program (GDPp) has decided to select five article and have them translated into Chinese, Farsi, French and Russian.
This IHRA Report exposes the links between the carrying out of executions and the financial contributions from European governments, the European Commission and the UNODC to support drug enforcement operations in countries that use the death penalty.
The purpose of this report is to examine and evaluate this mechanism for law reform, without the need for legislative reform, and to consider the specific discussion around sentencing for drug offences which it has led to.