
Results 3289 to 3300 of 3817
29 March 2011
IDPC Report - First IDPC seminar on drug policy in the Middle East and North Africa

IDPC Report - First IDPC seminar on drug policy in the Middle East and North Africa

Last January, IDPC organised its first drug policy seminar in the Middle East and North Africa region, in collaboration with its local partner, the National Rehabilitation Centre, in order to generate constructive discussions and sgare experience on drug policy, and to discuss the possibility to establish a regional network on drug policy.
29 March 2011

DCAM Consortium Report - Training guide for law enforcement

The Sessions in this training guide have been designed to support training workshops and provide information for trainers (ideally peer, law enforcement trainers). The 8 Sessions consist of slides, handouts and background information for law enforcement trainees to better understand the role of law enforcement in facilitating improved access to medical opioids.
29 March 2011

DCAM Consortium Report - Law enforcement guidance

The role of law enforcement is key – not only as a component of international drug regulation and control systems, but as a facilitator of access to opioid medicines by those in need. This guide is designed to provide instructive information to all levels of law enforcement, particularly narcotics enforcement at the local, state and national levels, corrective services and custodial officers, and drug regulators.
29 March 2011

Harm reduction at work

For harm reduction and drug policy organizations that aim to improve the health and welfare of people who use drugs, the insights of drug users themselves are essential to shaping effective programs. Harm Reduction at Work gives the necessary know-how to ensure that both employees who do use drugs and those who don't are treated fairly.
29 March 2011

Stopping overdose - Peer-based distribution of naloxone

This public health fact sheet describes how naloxone is successfully being used to reverse overdose around the world with no side effects beyond opiate withdrawal, and provides real-life examples of programs that have trained drug users, their families and friends to efficiently identify the signs of overdose, administer naloxone, and often, save lives.
29 March 2011

TNI Series on Legislative Reform No. 12 - Fifty Years of the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs: A Reinterpretation

Fifty years on, it is time for a critical reflection on the validity of the Single Convention today: a reinterpretation of its historical significance and an assessment of its aims, its strengths and its weaknesses. This policy briefing analyses the origins and negotiations of the Single Convention, examines the way it broke with the previous drug control system by introducing a more prohibitive ethos, penal obligations, controls on plants and abolition of traditional uses of plants like coca, and concludes that a revision of its outdated provisions is required.
28 March 2011
IDPC progress report 2010-2011

IDPC progress report 2010-2011

Since its creation in 2007, IDPC has become a dynamic collaborative initiative which has gradually expanded both its membership and activities to influence national and international drug policies and programmes. This is the first IDPC progress report, which aims to highlight IDPC's key activities and successes since its creation four years ago.
25 March 2011

Достижение всеобщего доступа в Восточной, Юго-Восточной Европе и Центральной Азии — 2010: Перспективы с точки зрения сообществ, затронутых эпидемией ВИЧ–инфекции

Цель данного отчета — способствовать принятию обоснованных мер на глобальном, региональном и национальном уровнях, направленных на улучшение работы по достижению всеобщего доступа в сфере ВИЧ с учетом позиции и интересов гражданского общества.