The WHO Policy Guidelines for Controlled Substances provide guidance on policies and legislation with regards to availability, accessibility, affordability and control of medicines made from substances regulated under the international drug control conventions.
'Children of the Drug War' is a unique collection of original essays that investigates the impacts of the war on drugs on children, young people and their families.
The key messages included in this report from the Correlation Network represent the most important aspects of interventions targeting injecting drug users.
Questo scritto ha lo scopo di esaminare i vantaggi e gli inconvenienti delle due diverse opzioni alla luce dell’esperienza italiana e se queste soluzioni siano davvero in grado di risolvere il problema.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the advantages and the shortcomings of the different options to distinguish drug possession for personal use and supply and trafficking, based on the Italian experience, as well as their real effectiveness in dealing with the problem.
More IDUs have anti-HCV than HIV infection, and viral hepatitis poses a key challenge to public health. Variation in the coverage and quality of existing research creates uncertainty around estimates. Improved and more complete data and reporting are needed to estimate the scale of the issue, which will inform efforts to prevent and treat HCV and HBV in IDUs.
This year's report does reflect some positive changes in the INCB's outlook, but these are still outweighed by familiar negative practices and positions.
This report describes Ukrainian government policies that make it impossible for cancer patients living in rural areas to get essential pain medications.