
Results 3193 to 3204 of 3838
30 September 2011

HIV in Asia and the Pacific: Getting to zero

This UNAIDS rpeort demands evidence-based responses that solidly focus on and involve key populations most at risk, are adequately resourced and grounded in human rights. Increasingly, countries are acting on this knowledge – and reaping the rewards.
22 September 2011

WOLA - At the root of the violence

This article makes a compelling case for shifting from the current drug control strategy to reduce the horrific violence that has been spreading in Mexico.
22 September 2011

Video: Young people from Latin America demand drug policy reform!

Young people met during the III Latin American and I Mexican Drug Policy Conference and agreed on key messages under which to work across the region. This video serves as the first element of a regional advocacy campaign calling for drug policy reform.
21 September 2011

IDPC response to the UNODC 2011 World Drug Report

This is an analysis of the data presented in the UNODC World Drug Report, and includes a critique of Mr Fedotov's contribution to the report and a related review of his first year in post.
21 September 2011

War on drugs' blocks medical access to morphine

A study by University of B.C. journalism students says the global war on illicit drugs is preventing patients suffering terminal illnesses in some countries from having sufficient access to morphine to control their pain. The year-long study done by the UBC Graduate School of Journalism involved teams travelling to India, Ukraine and Uganda to see how those countries manage pain.
21 September 2011

Regulating medical marijuana dispensaries - Overview of their impact on crime

When medical marijuana dispensaries close, crime rises in the surrounding neighborhood when compared to areas where dispensaries are allowed to remain open, according to a new RAND Corporation study. The findings challenge the common wisdom that marijuana dispensaries promote criminal activity.
19 September 2011

Drug Consumptiom rooms in Germany. An assessment

This report provides information about the mode of operation of the diverse consumption rooms that have been opened in Germany and analyses the impacts that they have had on risk minimisation, health support, etc.