In 2014, public moral apoplexy and political disquiet over animal testing has resulted in a reversal of what the NZ legislation to regulate NPS market was designed to achieve.
The lack of access to controlled medicines in many countries around the globe is an important indicator that the time is right to start revising the international drug control treaties.
European countries need to overcome several barriers in their national legislation and policy strategies to improve access to opioids for medical purposes.
The Nigerian drug law needs to be reviewed, especially for the protection and holistic development of the youth population who have already initiated drug use.
This study examines the impact of seizures and supplier arrests on the use of and harms associated with three drugs: heroin, cocaine and amphetamine type stimulants.
This publication explores the Switzerland’s 4 pillars drug strategy (treatment, harm reduction, prevention and law enforcement) through detail snapshots of each programme.
This study was conducted to gain in-depth knowledge on multiple vulnerabilities to HIV acquisition among people who inject drugs in the states of Bihar and Manipur.
To achieve a drug-free society, Sweden has adopted a punitive, enforcement-led approach to drugs. This has had serious negative consequences on the health of people who use drugs.
The “drug problem” is often blamed for youth involvement in crime, violence and antisocial activities in the Caribbean. This briefing shows that this relation is far more complex and often misunderstood.