78 governments and civil society in 106 countries report the existence of laws and policies which present obstacles to accessing HIV services for key populations.
The report documents the failing role that current federal drug policies play in supporting safety and health and draws attention to the acute need for an improved system of supports for people who inject drugs.
This paper examines how the US federal government and the 18 states have partially legalized medical or recreational marijuana or both since 1996 can be true to their respective laws.
This report was carried out to explore the information about health services accessed by former prisoners narcotics by taking samples in seven provincial cities in Indonesia.
The paper explores the barriers and opportunities for including HIV in the process and suggests how HIV and related global health needs should be addressed in the new development framework
Цель: Определить воздействие наркополитики на молодых людей, употребляющих наркотики посредством опросников (анкет) и вынести рекомендации по результатам для улучшения ситуации связанной с наркополитикой в отношении молодых людей.
The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of drug policies on young people who use drugs through questionnaires, and to make recommendations for the improvement of drug policy for young people.
This comparative study of criminal legislation explores the issue of disproportionate penalties for drugs offences across time and between seven Latin American countries (Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Mexico, Colombia, Bolivia, and Argentina).
This report by Drug Policy Alliance focuses in the number of working hours that police officers in NY spent dealing with marijuana possession arrests between 2002 and 2012.
In recognition of International Women’s Day, the Journal of the International AIDS Society launched a thematic series to highlight articles that address the different dimensions of HIV as they relate to women.