Transform explores how young adults are being exploited by organised crime groups in their drug supply network and suggest that this could be prevented with the implementation of regulated markets.
Government, civil society and community representatives discussed the state of play of debates in Vienna as well as developments in the field of human rights, development, public health and novel trends.
GREA examines the drug policy debate between several UN nations, including the recognition of the failure of prohibition, and the move to legalise and regulate drugs for adult recreational use.
The Harm Reduction Coalition has interviewed people who use drugs to provide suggestions to the San Francisco Department of Public Health as they are about to launch a public messaging campaign.
This INPUD Technical Brief explains how Universal Health Coverage (UHC) can be both an opportunity and a concern for the health and rights of people who use drugs.
The NZ Drug Foundation provides an overview of their proposals and recommendations for responsible regulation building up to the 2020 general election vote for the legalisation of cannabis.
OHCHR addresses the intersections between situations of deprivation of liberty and violence, death and serious injury, noting specific impacts on people who use drugs.
Correlation shares good practice examples in the field of HCV awareness, testing, access to treatment and care for people who use drugs in harm reduction and community settings in Europe.