2018 World Drug Report



2018 World Drug Report

2 July 2018


Both the range of drugs and drug markets are expanding and diversifying as never before. The findings of this year’s World Drug Report make clear that the international community needs to step up its responses to cope with these challenges. We are facing a potential supply-driven expansion of drug markets, with production of opium and manufacture of cocaine at the highest levels ever recorded. Markets for cocaine and methamphetamine are extending beyond their usual regions and, while drug trafficking online using the darknet continues to represent only a fraction of drug trafficking as a whole, it continues to grow rapidly, despite successes in shutting down popular trading platforms. Non-medical use of prescription drugs has reached epidemic proportions in parts of the world. The opioid crisis in North America is rightly getting attention, and the international community has taken action. In March 2018, the Commission on Narcotic Drugs scheduled six analogues of fentanyl, including carfentanil, which are contributing to the deadly toll. This builds on the decision by the Commission at its sixtieth session, in 2017, to place two precursor chemicals used in the manufacture of fentanyl and an analogue under international control.