Less discrimination, better services, more support for PLHIV using drugs


Less discrimination, better services, more support for PLHIV using drugs

27 November 2017

According to MENAHRA, this is what we can do to improve adherence to tratment and access to services:

Awareness raising and training on: positive health impacts of early detection and routine screening among family members; harms related to drug use; importance of support for PLHIV; availability of harm reduction and HIV services; rights of PLHIV and PWUD; stigma and discrimination for health care providers; Promotion of: availability of services among health care providers and PLHIV; harm reduction strategies for behavior change; routine testing of other infectious diseases included within package of harm reduction and healthcare services; anti-discrimination strategies and laws; Service development through: integration of harm reduction services within healthcare package of services; increasing OST availability and coverage; providing HIV testing for all partners and children of newly diagnosed people; increasing availability of condoms and needles/syringes in harm reduction and other health programs; involving PLHIV who use drugs in programming and decision making; Accountability and support through establishing: complaint mechanism for rights violations and mistreatment; support system for regular follow-up of beneficiaries in healthcare settings; Evaluation and research through: service quality assessments; population size estimates to inform program development.