A framework for the legalisation and regulation of cannabis in Canada
When the Task Force first assembled in June 2016, we each brought a range of individual perspectives on cannabis. Over the months that followed, we came to appreciate the collective importance of our varied viewpoints and to recognize the potential impact of our work. This report is the result of a truly national collaboration, and we are proud to have been involved in it.
We have discovered that the regulation of cannabis will touch every aspect of our society. One of the predominant features of our deliberations has been the diversity of opinions, emotions and expertise expressed by those who came forward. People and organizations gave generously of their time and reflections. We explored the issue in remote corners of Canada as well as outside our borders. We heard from parents, patients, practitioners, politicians, police and the media. Our focus ranged from global treaty obligations to the homes and municipalities in which we live. We heard anxiety about such things as driving, youth access and “sending the wrong message,” but we also heard a desire to move away from a culture of fear around cannabis and to acknowledge the existence of more positive medical and social attributes. Meanwhile, as we went about our mandate, dispensaries continued to challenge communities and law enforcement, new research findings emerged, new regulations appeared, and the media shone their light on issues of quality and regulatory gaps.
Because of this complexity and diversity of input, and the challenges associated with designing a new regulatory framework, we recognize that there will be much discussion around the implications of our recommendations. However, like scraping ice from the car windows on a cold winter morning, we believe that we can now see enough to move forward.
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