The potential impact of expanding antiretroviral therapy and combination prevention in Vietnam: Towards elimination of HIV transmission


The potential impact of expanding antiretroviral therapy and combination prevention in Vietnam: Towards elimination of HIV transmission

13 June 2013

From 2011 to 2050, maintaining current interventions will incur an estimated 18,115 new HIV infections, and will cost USD 22.1 million (reference scenario). Annual HTC and immediate treatment, if offered to all adults, will reduce new HIV infections by 14,513 (80%) and will cost USD 76.9 million. Annual HTC and immediate treatment offered only to PWID, will reduce new infections by 13,578 (75%), and will cost only USD 23.6 million. Annual HTC and immediate treatment for key populations, combined with scale-up of MMT and condom use, will reduce new infections by 14,723 (81%) with similar costs (USD 22.7 million). This combination prevention scenario will reduce the incidence to less than 1 per 100,000 in 14 years, and will result in a relative cost saving after 19 years.

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