
Results 97 to 108 of 5071
2 October 2023
Divest from the unjust drug war: Invest in justice

Divest from the unjust drug war: Invest in justice

Harm Reduction International urges governments to stop funding punitive drug laws and, instead, to invest in programmes that prioritise health, community and justice, leading to healthier and safer societies.
19 September 2023
Scotland: Words mean little without action on drugs policy

Scotland: Words mean little without action on drugs policy

As Scotland's drug overdose deaths remain the highest in Europe, experts call on the government to expand beyond the pilot of one overdose prevention center and implement multiple sites, a national drug checking service and widespread diamorphine treatment.
18 September 2023
Ireland: Untold Stories podcast series

Ireland: Untold Stories podcast series

As the Citizens' Assembly on Drugs considers how to reform drug laws in Ireland, this five-part podcast series shares the stories of five individuals and how current prohibitionist policies have impacted their health and wellbeing.