
Results 4993 to 5004 of 5138
24 August 2010

Call for letters of intent - drug policy initiatives in Asia

The Global Drug Policy program of the Open Society Institute is pleased to announce a call for letters of intent from organisations active or interested in drug policy reform in Asia. The deadline for submissions is Friday, 17th September 2010.
24 August 2010

Call for papers: International Yearbook on Human Rights and Drug Policy

The International Centre on Human Rights and Drug Policy is calling for papers for the first Volume of The International Yearbook on Human Rights and Drug Policy, the first and only peer-reviewed journal focusing on human rights and drugs. The deadline for submissions for Volume 1 is 15th October 2010, but submissions are accepted on a rolling basis and later accepted submissions will be included in Volume 2.
29 July 2010

AIDS 2010: Mainstreaming drug policy reform

The 18th International AIDS Conference brought together some 20,000 policy makers, people living with HIV, scientists, researchers, clinicians and advocates – all committed to halting the spread of HIV. IDPC and our members took advantage of this major event to advocate on the importance of more humane and effective drug policies to combat the HIV epidemic more efficiently.
29 July 2010

The Vienna Declaration – Sign up now!

This is the official declaration of AIDS 2010 which calls for drug policies that are based on scientific evidence rather than ideology. As of today, over 17,000 have signed the Declaration.
28 July 2010

The Global Commission on HIV and the Law – Get in at the start to influence its agenda!

The Global Commission on HIV & the Law, established in June 2010, will work with the World AIDS Campaign to reach out to civil society working on the HIV response and related issues to engage in dialogue on the need for rights-based law and policy in the context of HIV. This is a first public call to make brief submissions on issues of priority that civil society feels the Commission should address.
27 July 2010

Methadone Man and Buprenorphine Babe - A new campaign for substitution therapy

This campaign focuses on spreading awareness to both reform harm reduction policies around the world and reduce the stigma surrounding drug substitution therapy. The campaign features two superheroes, Methadone Man and Buprenorphine Babe, who work together to help injecting drug users in distress and promote substitution therapy on a global scale.