
Results 4837 to 4848 of 5157
15 June 2011

UNODC: "Regional cooperation key in countering drug routes in Central Asia"

On 14th June 2011, the Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Yury Fedotov, met with the President and several key leaders in Kazakhstan to discuss the country's and region's ongoing efforts in curbing drug use, illicit trafficking, and organized and financial crime.
9 June 2011

Russia defies growing consensus with declaration of 'total war on drugs'

Under legislation promoted by the ruling United Russia party and now being reviewed in parliament, dependent drug users will be forced into treatment or jailed, and dealers will be handed heftier custodial sentences. "The barons of narco-business must be put on a par with serial killers with the appropriate punishment in the form of a life sentence," said Gryzlov, chairman of the party. This decision was largely criticised by a number of Russian civil society organisations.
2 June 2011

Drugs - Time for better laws

'Drugs - Time for better drug laws' is Release's new campaign engaging the public around the issue of drug policy.
2 June 2011

Italian NGOs take position against their government’s policies on harm reduction

The Italian government has announced last month that it would submit a proposal to the UNGASS meeting on HIV/AIDS to cancel te term "harm reduction", with the purpose to substitute it with a watered down "risk reduction". This proposal was met with much criticism among Italian civil society organisations working in the drug policy field.
31 May 2011

Reference Group calls on UN Member States to scale-up interventions to address HIV among drug users

The head of the 2011 United Nations High Level Meeting on AIDS, the Reference Group to the United Nations on HIV and Injecting Drug Use has issued a statement calling for Member States to focus on HIV transmission among people who inject drugs. The statement details eight key priorities for Member States as they negotiate the outcome document for June’s General Assembly meeting.
27 May 2011

Polish President approves new drug law

The newly amended law, approved on Wednesday, May 25, is a small step forward in liberalizing Poland's drug policy. Overall, it aims to draw a greater distinction between drug user and drug dealer.
27 May 2011

Global Commission on Drug Policy to present concluding report to Ban Ki Moon

The Global Commission on Drug Policy, composed of a number of high level policy officials including Kofi Annan, Michel Kazatchkine, Fernando Henrique Cardoso and Javier Solana, will present its conclusions to the UN Secretary General in New York, on 2 June. The event will be accompanied by a major international campaign led by Avaaz, which aims to gather 500,000 signatures for its new petition 'End the war on drugs!'. IDPC has been actively involved in the work of the Commission since its inception in 2010.