
Results 4789 to 4800 of 5157
8 August 2011

Drug Policy Alliance recruits Deputy Director, Programs

The Deputy Director, Programs, reporting to the Executive Director, will work with the Executive Director, board and staff to develop and implement DPA’s vision and strategic direction and ensure that its work is innovative, high-impact and strategically focused.
8 August 2011

New Zealand bans synthetic cannabis products

The ban will initially run for 12 months. Next year New Zealand's conservative government plans to bring in comprehensive changes based on a review of the country's drug legislation by the Law Commission.
8 August 2011

Federal judge throws out Florida's drug law

US District Court Judge Mary Scriven of Orlando threw out the Florida Drug Abuse Prevention and Control law on the grounds that it violates due process because it does not require prosecutors to prove a person knew he or she possessed illegal drugs.
4 August 2011

Drug Policy Alliance seeks two Deputy Directors

The Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) is seeking to recruit two Deputy Directors to be based in New York, for the positoins of Deputy Director-External affairs and Deputy Director-Programs.
4 August 2011

New Website Launched: ThinkingDrugs

ThinkingDrugs is a new interactive website allowing the public to explore some of the arguments that are central to drug policy in the form of an argument map.
29 July 2011

ризыв к действию: Снижение стоимости лечения гепатита С

Снижение цен на препараты для лечения ВИЧ стало возможным в течение последнего десятилетия благодаря активной позиции гражданского общества, ВИЧ‐активистов и правительств стран, затронутых эпидемией, и явилось результатом давления, которое они оказали на фармкомпании. Подобная стратегия поможет остановить эпидемию ВГС и спасти жизни миллионов людей, живущих с гепатитом С.
29 July 2011

Hepatitis C: A viral time bomb

“Hepatitis affects everyone, everywhere. Know it, confront it.” This is the slogan for this year’s first-ever World Health Organization–sponsored World Hepatitis Day.