Co-operation in combating the drug trade along the East-west Economic Corridor topped discussions between Viet Nam, Laos and Thailand at a conference which opened in central Quang Tri Province today.
Asia Catalyst and 25 other regional networks and organizations called this week for methadone and buprenorphine access at the International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific, to take place this month in Busan, Korea.
The move comes as a surprise to the U.S., whose envoy says she is awaiting an explanation from the Peru government over the halting of the program that targeted coca, the base material of cocaine.
These briefing notes by the Open Society Public Health Program offer guidance on how to incorporate harm reduction best practices into proposals for the Global Fund Round 11.
IDPC, HRI and INPUD are pleased to announce the awarding of a joint grant from the UK Department for International Development, which aims to create national and international legal, policy and funding environments that promote the implementation and scale up of HIV prevention, treatment and care for people who use drugs.
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is pleased to announce that the Round 11 call for proposal is now open, with a submission date of 15 December 2011.
The summer school covered the following issues: drug policy and advocacy, substitution therapy, overdose related problems, protecting the rights and interests of women drug users in harm reduction programmes.
Due to heavy dependence on the external development partners for harm reduction, the sustainability of funding the implementation of these programmes in nepal is unclear, uncertain and unpredictable. Since 15 July 2011, the HIV response in Nepal has been under threat due to a shortage of these resources, leading to serious concerns regarding the escalating public health crisis in the country.