New "legal highs" are being discovered at the rate of one a week, outstripping attempts to control their availability and exposing what some experts claim is the "ridiculous and irrational" government policy of prohibition.
MEXICO CITY - Former President Vicente Fox suggested Friday that Mexican authorities consider calling on drug cartels for a truce and offering them amnesty, speaking out a day after an apparent cartel attack on a casino killed 52 people.
Dominican officials - some of whom sit at the U.S. Southern Command monitoring center in Key West, Fla., and notify the Dominican Air Force when drug planes are detected on radar approaching the D.R. - say many of the flights that used to "bombard" their country with cocaine packages originated in Venezuela. But that began to change after they deployed the Super Tucanos.
Experts from around New Zealand, and from overseas, will gather in Wellington on Tuesday 30 August for a Drug Policy Symposium organised by NZ Drug Foundation and NZ Society on Alcohol and Drug Dependence.
The purpose of International Doctors for Healthy Drug Policies (IDHDP) is to increase the participation of medical doctors in drug policy reform. If you are a doctor, and agree with IDHDP's mission and objectives, please become a member by completing the membership form on the IDHDP website and add the issues that you would like to be addressed by IDHDP.
In an unprecedented decision, the Bombay High Court struck down the mandatory death penalty for drug offences, becoming the first Court in the world to do so.
In an unprecedented decision, the Bombay High Court struck down the mandatory death penalty for drug offences, becoming the first Court in the world to do so.
In an unprecedented decision, the Bombay High Court struck down the mandatory death penalty for drug offences, becoming the first Court in the world to do so.
Just when you start to see glimmers of hope that the troubled UN drug control system is opening up for a change process, its principal guardian, the INCB, does it again… In a press release on 5 July, the INCB secretariat condemned Bolivia’s decision to denounce the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs and re-accede with a reservation on the coca leaf.
Just when you start to see glimmers of hope that the troubled UN drug control system is opening up for a change process, its principal guardian, the INCB, does it again… In a press release on 5 July, the INCB secretariat condemned Bolivia’s decision to denounce the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs and re-accede with a reservation on the coca leaf.
Health experts in Portugal conclude that Portugal's decision 10 years ago to decriminalise drug use and treat dependent users rather than punishing them is an experiment that has worked.