Mexican President Felipe Calderon, who leaves office on December 1 after spending much of his presidency locked in a bloody battle with drug-smuggling gangs, called on the United Nations to lead a global debate over a less "prohibitionist" approach to drugs.
The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, Prisoners with PASAN, CATIE, the CAAN and Steven Simons, a former federal prisoner, launched a lawsuit against the Government of Canada over its failure to protect the health of people in prison through its ongoing refusal to implement clean needle and syringe programs to prevent the spread of HIV and hepatitis C virus in federal institutions.
Applicants for the NUFFIC scholarship should submit their application by October 1, 2012, and then submit a separate application to the Dutch Summer Institute.
The lack of transparency about how U.S. officials calculate cocaine production estimates, combined with the contention that Bolivia is producing more cocaine than Colombia—despite having far less land under coca cultivation than Colombia or Peru— undermines U.S. credibility and isolates Washington from a region calling for an open debate on drug policy alternatives.
Youth RISE has begun a peer education programme in Mauritius as part of our RISE UP! project, partnering with SAFIRE, an organisation based in Mauritius working with street children.
On Monday 17th September, the Ministry of Justice, alongside the Transnational Institute and the International Drug Policy Consortium, held a high-level meeting to review the country’s legal response to drug use.
While the Vienna Declaration process has come to a close, the website will remain intact and it is hoped that the declaration will be a useful tool to highlight the support for drug policy reform.
The government will start issuing clean medical injection equipment, including hypodermic syringes, to people who use drugs to help protect them from getting infected by the HIV virus.
Under pressure to form a stable government able to tackle the financial crisis and European integration issues, winning political parties will need to find a common ground on the coffee shop issue.
With its emphasis on employment rather than incarceration, humane rather than punitive treatment, and voluntary rather than compulsory participation, the Sunshine Project marks a departure from China’s traditionally stern approach to drug users.