
Results 4345 to 4356 of 5157
11 October 2012

Обзор участия гражданского общества в работе Правления UNAIDS

ЮНЭЙДС поддерживает обзор хода работы Делегации НПО и ее вклада в КСП. По результатам обзора будут подготовлены рекомендации о том, как расширить вовлечение гражданского общества, включая людей, живущих с ВИЧ, и представителей ключевых затронутых сообществ, и усилить влияние их мнений.
11 October 2012

E-survey on civil society participation in the UNAIDS Board

UNAIDS is supporting a review of the progress of NGO Delegation participation and contribution to the PCB. This will result in recommendations about how to increase the engagement and impact of civil society voices, including those of people living with HIV and key affected communities.
11 October 2012

Count the Costs website now available in Russian

The Russian-language version of the Count the Costs website is now live. Russian translations of the seven costs summary briefing and development and security briefing (PDF) are also now available to download.
10 October 2012

Overdose kits to be distributed to drug users in Denmark

From the beginning of next year, the government will launch a new initiative in the struggle against drug-related deaths. In collaboration with far-left support party Enhedslisten (EL), the government has decided to set aside six million kroner for so-called 'overdose kits' that are intended to aid hard-core drug abusers.