Starting in 2012 Eurasian Harm Reduction Network (EHRN) has undertaken a 3-year project “Strengthening the response of non-state actors to growing needs of women who use drugs” funded by the European Commission.
In Nepal, it is harder for women and girls to recover from dependence. This centre led by former female dependent users seeks to help these women recover.
Harm Reduction International (HRI) is seeking a consultant to lead on the research and drafting of a new Harm Reduction International (HRI) report exploring the intersections between sex work and drug use.
By driving the soft drugs trade underground, the Dutch town of Maastricht has triggered a crime wave. analyses the effects of the controversial 'weed pass' law
ЮНЭЙДС поддерживает обзор хода работы Делегации НПО и ее вклада в КСП. По результатам обзора будут подготовлены рекомендации о том, как расширить вовлечение гражданского общества, включая людей, живущих с ВИЧ, и представителей ключевых затронутых сообществ, и усилить влияние их мнений.
UNAIDS is supporting a review of the progress of NGO Delegation participation and contribution to the PCB. This will result in recommendations about how to increase the engagement and impact of civil society voices, including those of people living with HIV and key affected communities.
The Russian-language version of the Count the Costs website is now live. Russian translations of the seven costs summary briefing and development and security briefing (PDF) are also now available to download.
Countries in East and Southeast Asia currently detain over 238,000 people who have used drugs (or are suspected of drug use) in over 1,000 compulsory centres (CCDUs).
The cultivation of coca bushes, which provide the raw material for cocaine, is up some 5.2 per cent in Peru, according to the 2011 national coca monitoring survey presented today by UNODC and the Peruvian Government.
From the beginning of next year, the government will launch a new initiative in the struggle against drug-related deaths. In collaboration with far-left support party Enhedslisten (EL), the government has decided to set aside six million kroner for so-called 'overdose kits' that are intended to aid hard-core drug abusers.
On Monday 8th October, IDPC presented global evidence and recommendations for the development of effective and humane drug policies at the African Union Conference of Ministers of Drug Control.