ENPUD gathered to agree on their organisation's mission to "unite for the purpose to decriminalise drug use and to achieve personal and social well-being".
Naloxone saves lives and its now accepted as an intervention to reduce drug related deaths. There is a growing interest in the use of naloxone with heroin and opiate users and a greater recognition of its role within a wider range of treatment and support in reducing harm and supporting recovery.
Representatives from 26 member states of the OAS started negotiating on Tuesday to finalize its instrument for assessing the efforts of member states in dealing with the global drug problem, since its inception in 1999.
This visit is part of UNODC's continuing work in the country which aims to provide, among other things, assistance on drug prevention, treatment and care.
In October, the African Union hosted the 5th Conference of Ministers of Drug Control in Addis Ababa. IDPC was present throughout the four-day meeting, during which Member States adopted and approved important drug policy documents for the region.
Теме подсчета убытков от современных, консервативных подходов к наркополитике, а также обсуждению возможных альтернатив, посвящен веб-сайт Count the Cost, который теперь доступен и на русском языке.
The first public sanctioned safer injecting facility in Denmark opened in Copenhagen on the 2nd of October with 7 injection booths. Two more facilities might also open in Odense and Aarhus.
The Rumah Cemara Youth Program is initiated to address some of these issues, and will provide information and support to young people who use drugs in a non-judgemental environment with high participation of the young people in the program.
Youth RISE had a busy few weeks in Nigeria in September engaging with government agencies, local civil society organisations and the drug user community to continue and strengthen our work in the region.