Secure the future: Civil society and human rights imperative for public health and HIV response in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia


Secure the future: Civil society and human rights imperative for public health and HIV response in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia

31 July 2024
Eurasian Women's Network on AIDS
Sex Workers' Rights Advocacy Network (SWAN)
Eurasian Network of People Who Use Drugs
Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity (ECOM)

Over the last years an increasing number of governments in Central Eastern Europe & Central Asia (CEECA) are adopting new laws and practices that constrain civic space (restricting rights and liberties of civil society), thereby exerting additional pressures and burden on already criminalized populations (LGBTQI+, people living with HIV, people who use drugs, sex workers). Russia’s war against Ukraine has intensified the negative human rights trends of previous years, leading to increased insecurity. It caused disruption of access to treatment and basic medical and social services, increased vulnerabilities to HIV in Ukraine, and in countries affected by the refugee crisis, and throughout the region, where economic and social upheaval and changing patterns of migration are felt.

The confluence of geopolitical turmoil, rising authoritarianism and the resulting shrinking spaces for civil society, criminalization of key populations and donors’ narrow view and scope in addressing HIV brought us to this boiling point where, more than ever the robust and pragmatic approaches in addressing interconnected issues of HIV, public health, gender equality, civil and human rights are needed.

The purpose of the Communique is to acknowledge and coordinate efforts among communities, civil society, politicians, experts and professionals, and other national and international stakeholders to address the shrinking space for civil society and communities to act in the spheres related to public health (including HIV), sustainability and security in the CEECA region.