Joint pain relief: Elderly turning to cannabis as treatment option

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Joint pain relief: Elderly turning to cannabis as treatment option

15 June 2018

By Macy Jenkins

Cannabis use in California is now piquing the interest of senior citizens. Some cannabis experts say it’s a safer alternative to treat conditions and diseases as we age. “Now you have the opportunity to choose not only the way in which you want to ingest it but also the effects that you want,” said Danny Kress, a dispensary manager with A Therapeutic Alternative. Seniors gathered in Woodland on Wednesday for a Yolo County-sponsored crash course all about the different ways to use cannabis. It’s a growing industry that’s catching the attention of more and more Californians, including senior citizens.

“I never understood why it’s described as stoned,” said Carl Klein. “It makes me feel very fluid, it always has!”

“There may be a lot of uses for it that I don’t know anything about,” said Rita Kritch.