Today, the European Commission has proposed to subject the new psychoactive substance MDMB-CHMICA (sometimes referred to as ‘Black Mamba’) to control measures across the European Union.
Germany violated the rights of a heroin user by denying him access to his drug substitution treatment while in prison, the European Court of Human Rights has ruled. The inmate has struggled with dependence for decades.
The video shows concrete next steps for Thailand to move from a punitive to health-based response to drug use, especially methamphetamine, as well as to develop more proportionate sentencing responses for drug offences.
This presentation examines the intersections between the psychedelic and drug policy reform movements, exploring areas of synergy and potential for mutual advancement.
The Global Ibogaine Conference has emerged as one of the most important events in the world for discussing ibogaine therapy as well as the drug policy context and its relationship with plant-based medicines.
The change to the former Conservative government’s legislation means pharmaceutical-grade heroin can be prescribed under a special-access program in cases where traditional treatment has failed.
The evidence highlights not just the pivotal role treatment for people who use drugs plays in reducing hepatitis C transmission, but also how it can be rolled out to achieve best results.