Philippines: an entreaty to end the killing, to end the poverty and exclusion


Philippines: an entreaty to end the killing, to end the poverty and exclusion

18 July 2016
Asian Network of People who Use Drugs (ANPUD)

Halt to killings of People who Use Drugs in the Philippines

INPUD (the International Network of People who Use Drugs) and ANPUD (the Asian Network of People who Use Drugs) urgently request a halt be called on the killing of people who use drugs in the Philippines. We implore Your Excellency President Duterte to reconsider the current approach of executing people who use drugs in favour of internationally accepted, evidence-based alternatives.

Tolerance, Social Inclusion, and an End to Poverty

People who use drugs are not inherently evil. We are mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, and grandparents. We are people. We care for our families and communities, and we are human beings, just as valuable and important in our contributions to society as all other citizens. The death of these people is avoidable, and will cause untold suffering and pain to their families and to the community as a whole.

Your Excellency President Duterte, we agree with you that it is very important to alleviate poverty and marginalisation, and to promote inclusive communities and families. As you know, drug use in the Philippines is particularly visible among the poor. Do those who are already disadvantaged deserve the further hardship of fear, persecution, and even death? You yourself have pledged to combat poverty in the Philippines. Increasing difficulty for the most marginalised and economically disenfranchised citizens, and their families and communities, is surely not what you desire.

Click here to read the full article.

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Thumbnail: Flickr CC Luc Forsyth