Ukraine, and the rest of the world, should change drug policy paradigm, said Michel Kazatchkine, the UN secretary general’s special envoy for HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
Part of the effort to reform drug policy must address the systemic faults that exacerbate the plight of women caught in the crossfire of the war of drugs.
With the UNGASS taking place in April, it is time for member states to endorse a new approach - The Ithaca Plan, like those that came before it, points the way forward.
Just over two decades ago, a new constitution was created in South Africa and praised as one of the most progressive and inclusive in the world; But one area in which the country continues to lag behind, however, is drug policy.
This article raises questions about the Brazilian approach to violence reduction, which selects certain neighborhoods for “pacification,” while displacing crime to more remote areas.
Civil society groups from all over the world have released a statement condemning governments for failing to acknowledge the devastating consequences of punitive and repressive drug policies as they prepare for a UN summit on the issue next month.
Устаревшая наркополитика во всем мире привела к росту связанного с наркотиками насилия, к перегруженности системы уголовного правосудия, подогрела коррупцию и искалечила демократические институты.