Capacity building training for prison staff in Indonesia
On February 21-22, 2013 Rumah Cemara organized a capacity building training for 10 officers from Banceuy narcotics prison in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. The training was facilitated by prison programme officers Mulyana Dehan and Odon Bayu from Rumah Cemara.
The purpose of the training was to provide information and education materials for prison officers in order to improve their knowledge and skills on HIV/AIDS, HIV-TB, drug dependence, methadone-based substitution therapy, peer support, hepatitis C and antiretroviral therapy.
The prison officers are people who contact with inmates on daily basis. Most of the inmates are drug users and some of them live with HIV. The prison officers should have good knowledge on the issue so that they can decrease stigma and discrimination among the inmates and can provide better support to the inmates in terms of health issues and social aspects.
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