Paroles autour de la santé

IDPC Member

Paroles autour de la santé

Paroles autour de la Santé (PAS), created in 2003 is a community non-profit organization working in the prevention, support for the management of addictions with substances and harm reduction related to the consumption of illegal psychoactive substances. It is committed to the successful and effective delivery of community support services, counseling, medical and psychosocial care for people living with HIV / AIDS and/or TB+ and prevention. The requests of the organization are more and more numerous Drug Users (UD and relatives of UD) for both screening and for medical and psychosocial care. The difficulties of access to various health services and prevention materials led us to think about the setting up of actions / activities and policy. PAS, through its activities, has always sought to intervene for and with the most vulnerable populations for better prevention/HR and better access to care for STIs / HIV / AIDS to hepatitis and tuberculosis and dependancy. We are therefore committed to carrying out actions / activities more specifically with DUs: women, men who have sex with men, sex workers, young people and people in prison, child in the street. The members of the organisation (DU’s, EX DU’S or person concerned), who have acquired real expertise in the fight against STIs / HIV/TB and HR actions with drug users in, Guadeloupe, Ivory Coast, Niger and Mali. They suffer from a strong social, cultural and religious stigmatization, not to mention that their specific health needs are not yet fully covered by the various prevention and care programs.

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