Past Events

Results 769 to 780 of 1463
Scottish National User Involvement conference

Scottish National User Involvement conference

Edinburgh, Scotland
1 March 2017
Topics include: Raising awareness & promoting the role of user involvement, considering examples of good practice in user involvement, and identifying and tackling barriers to user involvement.
LEAP +1: Drug policy one year on

LEAP +1: Drug policy one year on

London, UK
28 February 2017
LEAP UK ask how has drug policy evolved since last year, what can the UK expect, and where does it go from here?
Harm Reduction Academy Cycle 3

Harm Reduction Academy Cycle 3

26 February 2017 - 15 June 2017
Harm Reduction Academy is a global learning, dialogue and skills building course established with the vision to end AIDS and Hepatitis C among people who inject drugs.
CND Intersessional Meeting

CND Intersessional Meeting

Vienna, Austria
23 February 2017
The second CND intersessional meeting 2017 will discuss preparations for the 60th session of the CND.
Drug policies beyond the War on Drugs?

Drug policies beyond the War on Drugs?

London, England
14 February 2017
The London School of Economics asks how research can impact government policy as countries examine new ways of managing drug issues beyond the problematic and simplistic model of the 'war on drugs'.
Psychedelic psychiatry: the past, present and future

Psychedelic psychiatry: the past, present and future

Logan Hall Institute of Education 20 Bedford Way, WC1H 9 London, United Kingdom
30 January 2017 - 30 January 2017
Three leading psychaitrists in the field of psychedelic research will discuss the potential for psilocybin in the treatment of depression, the use of psychedelics to address anxiety and end of life care, and using MDMA to treat addictions.
CND Intersessional Meeting

CND Intersessional Meeting

Vienna, Austria
22 January 2017 - 24 January 2017
As approved by its 59th Reconvened Session, the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) will hold a second round of thematic discussions on the implementation of the UNGASS Outcome Document.