Past Events

Results 769 to 780 of 1429
Second european conference on addictive behaviours and dependencies

Second european conference on addictive behaviours and dependencies

Lisbon, Portugal
23 October 2016 - 25 October 2016
Over 600 participants from 58 countries attended the First European conference on addictive behaviours and dependencies held in Lisbon in 2015. Following this success, the organisers have decided to launch Lisbon Addictions 2017.
After UNGASS: Civil society engagement and next steps

After UNGASS: Civil society engagement and next steps

19 October 2016
This webinar will assess the achievements and shortcomings of civil society engagement with the UNGASS process, setting the basis for an interactive discussion on the implementation of the Outcome Document and on the ways forward in the run-up to 2019.
II World Ayahuasca Conference - Brazil AYA2016

II World Ayahuasca Conference - Brazil AYA2016

Rio Branco, Brazil
16 October 2016 - 21 October 2016
This multidisciplinary event will bring together leading scientists, legal experts, practitioners, environmentalists and other experts interested in the issues related to ayahuasca.
Talking with clients about Hepatitis C treatment

Talking with clients about Hepatitis C treatment

10 October 2016
This 2 -hour webinar will describe the role of non-clinical health and human services providers in supporting clients living with chronic Hepatitis C as they consider starting hepatitis C treatment.
Fourth CND Intersessional Meeting

Fourth CND Intersessional Meeting

Vienna, Austria
9 October 2016 - 10 October 2016
The Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) will host a number of thematic discussions on the implementation of the outcome document of the United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on the world drug problem on 10-11 October and 27-28 October 2016 in Vienna, Austria
Sesta conferenza latino-americana e prima conferenza caraibica sulle politiche di droga

Sesta conferenza latino-americana e prima conferenza caraibica sulle politiche di droga

Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
4 October 2016 - 5 October 2016
La Conferenza tratta del tema della riforma delle politiche di droghe secondo la perspettiva delle regioni dove le misure innovatrici in questa direzione hanno iniziato a multiplicarsi nel corso degli ultimi anni. Per altre informazioni in inglese, vi preghiamo di leggere le informazioni successive.
Harm reduction approach overview

Harm reduction approach overview

4 October 2016
This two-hour webinar will provide participants with an introduction to basic philosophy and practices of HIV/STI/HCV harm reduction with regards to substance use and sexual risk behavior.
Scottish Needle Exchange Conference 2016

Scottish Needle Exchange Conference 2016

Perth, Scotland, United Kingdom
3 October 2016
The aim is to facilitate professional development, covering a range of topics and allow a forum for networking opportunities, information sharing and innovation to be shared amongst the substance misuse treatment providers and our partners.