Past Events

Results 1453 to 1464 of 1464

Justice Health in Australia Conference

5 April 2009 - 6 April 2009
The diversity of incarcerated populations, including adult prisons, youth detention centres and police watch houses give rise to special challenges in addressing the health needs among these incarcerated groups.

Connections Conference - Joining the dots: criminal justice, treatment and harm reduction

Krakow, Poland
24 March 2009 - 26 March 2009
The aim of the conference is to facilitate the development of knowledge and an evidence base for different harm reduction and drug free interventions for drug users, which can be implemented throughout the criminal justice process, building on the work of ENDIPP (the European Network on Drugs and Infections in Prison).

Beyond 2008 Forum

Vienna, Austria
6 July 2008 - 8 July 2008
A Global NGO Forum contributing to the 10 year Review of Achievement following the 1998 United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on Illicit Drugs.