The 2011 conference will have a strong focus on building the skills and capacity of civil society organisations in harm reduction implementation and advocacy, and will provide a forum to highlight the particular needs of women who use drugs and other marginalised populations within the overall harm reduction response.
The 2011 conference will have a strong focus on building the skills and capacity of civil society organisations in harm reduction implementation and advocacy, and will provide a forum to highlight the particular needs of women who use drugs and other marginalised populations within the overall harm reduction response.
The 2011 conference will have a strong focus on building the skills and capacity of civil society organisations in harm reduction implementation and advocacy, and will provide a forum to highlight the particular needs of women who use drugs and other marginalised populations within the overall harm reduction response.
The 2011 conference will have a strong focus on building the skills and capacity of civil society organisations in harm reduction implementation and advocacy, and will provide a forum to highlight the particular needs of women who use drugs and other marginalised populations within the overall harm reduction response.
Youth RISE will host a youth pre-conference on 31 March - 2 April, immediately prior to IHRA’s 22nd Annual Harm Reduction Conference in Beirut, Lebanon. The pre-conference is open to young people between the ages of 16 and 29 who are affected by drug policy, use drugs and/or work in the drugs field.
Youth RISE will host a youth pre-conference on 31 March - 2 April, immediately prior to IHRA’s 22nd Annual Harm Reduction Conference in Beirut, Lebanon. The pre-conference is open to young people between the ages of 16 and 29 who are affected by drug policy, use drugs and/or work in the drugs field.
Youth RISE will host a youth pre-conference on 31 March - 2 April, immediately prior to IHRA’s 22nd Annual Harm Reduction Conference in Beirut, Lebanon. The pre-conference is open to young people between the ages of 16 and 29 who are affected by drug policy, use drugs and/or work in the drugs field.
The conference will cover the key issues related to HIV epidemic, prevention, and care in European region, with a special focus on Eastern European countries.
Correlation's main goal is to train participants in the use and implementation of the Social Intervention Tool within their own organisation. The training will focus on different aspects of the use of online strategies, including: practical use of the SIT (software), online communication methods and conversation techniques, and guidelines for successful implementation (quality framework, code of conduct, etc)
Correlation's main goal is to train participants in the use and implementation of the Social Intervention Tool within their own organisation. The training will focus on different aspects of the use of online strategies, including: practical use of the SIT (software), online communication methods and conversation techniques, and guidelines for successful implementation (quality framework, code of conduct, etc)
Correlation's main goal is to train participants in the use and implementation of the Social Intervention Tool within their own organisation. The training will focus on different aspects of the use of online strategies, including: practical use of the SIT (software), online communication methods and conversation techniques, and guidelines for successful implementation (quality framework, code of conduct, etc)