The Asia-Pacific High-level Intergovernmental Meeting on the Assessment of Progress Against Commitments in the Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) will take place in Bangkok, Thailand on the 1st - 3rd November 2011.
The Open Society Foundations Global Drug Policy program will be holding a satellite session entitled "Drug Policies: A Public Health Issue", during the International Conference on Global Health and Public Health Education.
Various leaders of the federal government, academics and representatives of international networks will debate the “war on drugs” in order to provide a global overview of the question.
The lecture will provide the audience with an understanding of how the general economy impacts on drug markets (both supply and demand) using simple economic principles and the extent to which we see these economic mechanisms dominate, or get dominated by other social and psychological mechanisms.
The main objective of the training programme is to build the capacity of representatives of African human rights NGOs with knowledge and skills to effectively use the African human rights and international system in their work towards human rights promotion and protection on the continent.
The European Harm Reduction Network, which was recently formed by 10 organisations with a shared interest in advocating for harm reduction in Europe, will be hosting its first meeting, which will consist of plenary sessions and capacity-building workshops.
This conference will bring together leading international researchers in drug use and addiction studies from a range of research disciplines and methods – both qualitative and quantitative.
This two day event is designed to provide the opportunity for participants to explore the issues and opportunities facing services and service users through a mixture of discussionand debate; informative and thought provoking presenters;the best treatment and specialist support; training 'tasters'; demonstrations of products and interventions.
The objective of the conference is to bring together different actors involved in Harm Reduction to exchange ideas and discuss strategies for improving the quality of services delivered in the National Response towards Opiate Abuse and Harm Reduction in Mauritius.
In addition to giving voice to high income countries perspectives on issues of HIV and the law, the dialogue aims to contribute to efforts for creating enabling legal environments which support effective HIV responses. The deadline for submissions is 7 August.
Ruby Hall, Safi Landmark Hotel, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
13 September 2011
In order to increase understanding, support and advocacy for OST among all relevant stakeholders, the Afghan Ministry of Public Health will organise a one day awareness workshop on Opioid Substitution Therapy on September 14th 2011 in Kabul.
This year, experts, activists and policy makers from Latin America will gather in Mexico to favour an informed debate on drug policy and generate a regional exchange of experience with the purpose of updating drug policy in the region.